The art and science of servicing non-acute-care sites

在非急症护理市场取得供应链上的成功,归根结底是要有合适的人, 正确的关系, driv­ing the same end game for everyone involved. If we can do that and drive savings to the bottom line, then we will continue to grow.

LBMC's client partnership with 健康的前提

As more IDNs acquire physician practices, 以急症护理为基础的供应链管理人员正在发现为非急症护理站点提供服务的艺术和科学.

LBMC provides business pro­cess outsourcing solutions – including 财务与会计, 技术, 人力资源和工资, pro-curement -给全国各地的客户. One of our largest procurement clients is 健康的前提, 它在全国范围内为自我保险的雇主经营着大约500个工作场所健康和保健中心. 该公司于2014年6月由CHS Health Services和Take Care Employer Solutions LLC合并成立,自成立以来一直是明升体育app下载客户.

Contracting on behalf of the 健康的前提 locations is a strategic process. We have 82% of the workplace facilities’ spend under some form of contract, either through direct negotiations or through Alpharetta, Ga.的 Me-dAssets. 我们监督战术和 战略采购 为驻地卫生设施, though much of that process is auto­mated and handled at the facility level.

What separates LBMC采购方案 from other procurement providers?

我们经常被问到是什么让我们有别于其他采购专业人士,简单的答案是我们“简化和标准化”的流程.  通过在项目和商定的商品/服务的前端创造效率,就有可能推动业务朝着有利的财务结果发展.

What does it mean to Simplify and Standardize?

简化: For the categories we provide strategic suppliers in; we have done the market research and analysis to align ourselves with best-in-class suppliers. It is far more than just pricing – it is a total cost, quality and delivery requirement. 可扩展和持续改进的全国覆盖是我们供应商合作伙伴的关键特征.

标准化: 通过费用分析和关键类别的合理化来减少项目的数量, 我们可以去找明升体育app下载供应商,把当时合理的产品的总支出汇总起来,从而节省大量资金. We can create formularies and an ordering process which drives control and scale. While standardization is a key characteristic in a best-in-class organization, 众所周知,每个客户都有特定的需求,明升体育app下载团队会根据这些特定的期望进行调整.

明升体育app下载与众不同之处在于我们拥有的团队,以及我们在采购行业传统的类别和流程方面的经验. 扩展明升体育app下载供应商以满足客户需求的能力,以及将明升体育app下载垂直产品与类似的产品和服务对齐的能力,对我们拥有的任何客户都极具影响力. 管理与组织支出相关的风险(通过控制和标准)比定价要大得多, 这是整个价值主张. S&S Assessment is a key to 采购 Solution’s success.

Why is a Strategic Supplier Relationship so important?

我来自汽车行业,在这个行业,战略供应商关系已经到位,并且已经在该行业发挥了多年的作用. 把这个概念转移到 医疗保健行业 has been a key procurement strategy for me. We are an extension of our clients’ organizations, can make procurement decisions on their behalf. 因为这种能力, 我们可以积累数百万美元的支出杠杆,以使明升体育app下载客户和合同供应商作为一个聚合的采购合作伙伴受益.

改变供应链——包括总量——需要财务高管和医生的支持. 前者几乎不需要说服, as the ROI for participation in LBMC’s procure­ment program is easily demonstrated. But physicians may need some nudging. 只要我能和他们谈谈(医疗产品和设备)的质量与他们习惯的相同或更好, 我们会得到支持的. 供应商帮助我支持这个案例.

We pursued a strategic relationship with our primary dis­tributor, 亨利·史肯, taking volume with the company from less than $1 million to $14 million in two years. 在这个基础上工作,使我能够与亨利·沙因合作,为我的客户创造最好的价值主张. That only happens when you have strong, strategic relationships with suppliers. 这是一个范式的转变.

Would 外包采购服务 save me money?

We currently have strategic relation­ships with key categories of spend – medical/ surgical, 办公用品, construction/ fa­cilities/ architecture, 小的包裹, 医疗废物管理, 旅游和IT. 我们将明升体育app下载整个业务支出与一流的组织保持一致,该组织提供技术和持续改进的可交付成果,使明升体育app下载业务随着规模和增长而增长, 更重要了, drive efficiencies across the vari­ous clients that we work with. 我们寻找灵活的, 灵活多样的供应商,与明升体育app下载战略和文化相呼应,围绕上述所有责任.

If you answer “yes” to any of these questions you may benefit from procurement solutions:

  • Is there a large cost category that might lack spend controls?
  • Is there a large cost category that might lack accountability?
  • Is there a large cost category in which vendor relationships could be improved?
  • Are you a company that buy from vendors?
  • Are you a company that is too small to have dedicated procurement professionals?
  • Are you a company that is willing to standardize?

How our Supplier Partnerships drive efficiencies.

我预计我们将继续与医疗设备制造商和亨利·史肯直接合作,这样我们就可以做得更好、更快, drive efficien­cies in the market. 当我们在特定的OEM部门中开发更大的业务时,我们将与亨利·史肯一起更具体地参与OEM供应商. 我们会坐下来,利用我们与亨利·沙因的战略关系,把各方召集到一起, as well to talk through the end result we are looking to achieve. 亨利·沙因就是那座桥, be­cause they ultimately have a deeper relationship with the manufacturer, 我们是最终用户. It will be a paradigm shift for the distributor.

What’s more, we intend to build on LBMC’s already strong capabilities around 指示板和报告. We create dash­boards in categories of supplier relationships and spend, review them quarterly with our clients. Doing so allows LBMC to build credibility, confidence and knowledge among them. We have a robust capability to pull together finance and procurement, then report back to our client base about how their money is being managed. From a dashboarding perspective, we have gained traction.

长期, LBMC将致力于帮助前提健康公司的企业远程医疗和其他创新技术纳入其设施协议. 前提健康正在建立一个强大的技术平台,为我们提供护理的人群提供更及时的服务. The team working on that at 健康的前提 is the ‘Products and Innovation’ team, led by a cross-functional team including clinical, 运营和技术领导者. 我一直在与明升体育app下载首席信息官和技术创新伙伴合作,与亨利·沙因就此事进行沟通.



As IDNs acquire physician practices and other non-acute-care sites, 在医院环境中长大的供应链管理人员面临着一条陡峭的学习曲线. 他们将被要求表现出灵活性和创业精神,以在新的医疗保健世界中茁壮成长. 和, 毫无疑问, 他们将面临挑战,形成类似于LBMC和健康的前提蓬勃发展的战略关系.


Debbie Long joined LBMC采购方案 in 2017 with acquirement of W Squared. She joined W Squared in 2012 with more than 20 years of experience in procurement services. She began her career with General Motors, then worked for Newell/Rubbermaid, Murray Inc., Asurion和Grove国际公司. She taught a pur­chasing certification program at the college level; and received her Certified Purchasing Manager (CPM) and Certified in Production and Inventory Management (CPIM) credentials from the Institute of Supply Chain Management.

If you are interested in how LBMC’s 外包采购服务 can benefit your organization, contact Ashley Patterson at 阿什利 或者使用下面的联系表格.