你知道吗? 84%的商业领袖 believe AI and emerging technologies give them a competitive advantage? 然而, they often overlook the associated risks. Let’s examine how to maintain a proper balance.


新兴技术和人工智能正在通过自动化劳动密集型任务和从数据中产生洞察力来彻底改变行业. This potential encourages organizations to quickly adopt these technologies.


急于采用这些强大的技术可能会导致公司忽视其固有的风险. Organizations need to establish a solid base, 评估潜在危险, 以现有流程为基础构建, and plan for unexpected challenges as they adopt new technologies.

Laying the Foundations for Technological Transformation

When an organization decides to integrate a new 技术解决方案, determining the initial steps can be challenging. 仓促采用技术可能会导致忽视可能升级为重大问题的小问题, 比如可伸缩性问题, 访问控制, 以及不可预见的结果. 相反, 过度的延迟会通过降低效率和引入机会成本来阻碍这些工具的好处.

Leadership does not need to have immediate solutions for every issue. 而不是, critical factors need thorough evaluation, including 网络安全 法规遵从性. As security and compliance demands evolve alongside technological advancements, organizations might not be fully aware of specific requirements. 不过, 可以采用以下几个最佳实践,为人工智能标准的出现做好有效准备:

  • 更新文件程序: 确保文档组织良好,易于访问,并分配了所有权.
  • 保持最新的合规性: 保持对当前合规标准的最新了解,如SOC、ISO和HITRUST.
  • 确定潜在的用户群体: 精确定位组织内的小组,并创建测试新技术和人工智能工具的场景.


As organizations adapt to evolving regulations and heightened security needs, they must also address the current risks inherent in their operational landscapes. Data acts as the critical foundation for AI and emerging technologies, yet it is also a prime target for cybercriminals and other malicious entities. 企业面临的一个关键挑战是确保合法涉众和系统的数据可访问性,同时实现健壮的安全控制.

开始有效 风险管理 包括采用既定的 控制框架 如NIST CSF, ISO 27001或NIST 800-53. These 网络安全 frameworks aid in assessing how and where data is stored, enhancing the security measures across the organization. 实现安全, cloud-based environment helps safeguard data, allows essential access for necessary personnel and systems, 并防止数据被隔离在脆弱的位置,如本地桌面或外部驱动器.

保护敏感资料, 企业必须实施严格的控制,限制授权人员和软件的访问. Many organizations are familiar with the principles “least privilege” and “zero trust,” which dictate that access to information resources is granted solely based on necessity. The introduction of AI technologies complicates these dynamics, necessitating more nuanced control mechanisms.

AI operates as effectively as the data it processes, 强调高质量的必要性, 其功能的相关数据. Should AI systems access or analyze irrelevant or inaccurate data, 由此产生的输出可能存在缺陷. Such errors have the potential to infiltrate decision-making and compliance reports, 导致不良后果.

此外,第三方应用程序的集成引入了额外的复杂性. 与外部实体协作通常需要共享对其操作所必需的特定数据和系统的访问权限. 比如内部过程, 对于企业来说,确保这些第三方只被授予访问他们真正需要的数据的权限是至关重要的, maintaining stringent oversight to protect organizational integrity and compliance.

Optimizing Existing Processes Through Advanced 技术

Proper preparation and security considerations are foundational, yet the adoption of new technology can still present challenges. While some AI and software solutions may seamlessly integrate with existing workflows, 对于组织来说,在整个实施过程中对涉众和用户进行彻底的培训是至关重要的. 调整现有政策和培训协议可以简化新技术的整合.

已建立信息安全和数据分类和处理策略的组织通常拥有适合人工智能应用程序的健壮的数据管理和控制框架. 如果这些框架已经就位, they can be extended to include new technological deployments. 相反, if a secure data handling framework is not yet established, 企业可能需要为其团队开发和实施新的程序和策略,以确保适当的处理和安全性.

Systems integration is critical when introducing new software, particularly as it relates to a comprehensive 数据策略. Effective data governance is essential for managing data-driven technology, but compatibility with existing systems cannot be assumed. IT团队必须进行测试和操作,以确认遗留系统在新添加的软件中运行良好. 这种主动的方法不仅可以加强您的数据策略,还可以帮助识别潜在的低效率和安全问题, 确保新技术在现有基础设施中的平稳过渡和集成.

Preparing for the Unknown: Addressing Unforeseen Tech Challenges

Emerging technologies bring not only unexplored potential but also unfamiliar threats. 在今天的环境下, it is not a question of whether a 网络安全 incident will occur, 但是,当. Despite the rise of novel and unprecedented cyber threats, organizations can effectively prepare for potential breaches.

发展全面的, 主动事件响应计划对于管理网络安全事件后的中断至关重要. This plan should clearly define the roles and responsibilities of individuals and teams, outlining the necessary steps they must take in the event of a breach. 另外, 该计划应包括关于事件的清晰和有效沟通的协议, both internally to the organization and externally to clients and the public. 这种战略准备有助于减轻网络威胁对运营和声誉的影响,并增强组织应对未来中断的弹性.

Strategic Integration of AI and Emerging Technologies

Emerging technology and AI are sources of optimism for organizations, offering numerous benefits that can transform operations. 然而, 在急于采用这些技术的过程中,对企业来说,用一种慎重的方法来缓和他们的热情是至关重要的. 孤注一掷的策略是不可取的. 而不是, AI and emerging technologies should be deployed incrementally, 从小规模项目开始,在整个组织的全面推出之前评估有效性和集成挑战.

通过利用现有的操作程序和评估新技术如何能够增强这些实践, 组织可以实现创新解决方案的优势,同时防范潜在的挫折. 这种仔细, 深思熟虑的方法有助于确保技术进步对组织做出积极贡献,而不会破坏已建立的系统和过程,并引入不必要的风险.


As your organization explores the exciting potential of AI and emerging technologies, partnering with LBMC can ensure you navigate this new territory with confidence. Our expert teams are proficient in 网络安全 frameworks like NIST, ISO 27001, 和SOC, 并随时准备为您量身定制安全解决方案,以保护和增强您的技术投资.

与LBMC, 您对创新技术的投资是基于成熟的专业知识和全面的风险管理策略, ensuring that your business not only survives but thrives in the digital age. Let LBMC guide you through every step of your technological evolution, securing your operations and fostering sustainable growth.

Content provided by LBMC Senior Manager, Brian Willis. 可以联系到他 布莱恩.willis@sepon-boutique-resort.com 或致电615-309-2607.

Brian Willis is an information security consultant, 审计师, and analyst with over 25 years’ experience in diverse technology roles. 从他最初在小型制造环境中担任系统分析师开始,Brian就有过这样或那样的经历, 而且经常是在同一时间, 担任网络工程师, 客户机/服务器管理员, 服务台技术员, 笔测试, 合规经理. 利用他的管理和行政经验以及他对法规遵从性和安全原则的知识, Brian为他的客户提供实用的指导,以确保他们实现目标并为他们的组织增加价值. Brian has been a PCI Qualified Security Assessor for over 15 years, 领先的食品服务评估, 零售, 医疗保健, 保险, 支付系统部门.